Transitioning Children from Public to Catholic Schools

transitionAfter researching the schools in your area, you have chosen the best private school in Orlando for your child, a school in the Orlando Catholic Diocese. The uniforms are purchased, supplies are on hand, and excitement is in the air. The only element missing is your child’s excitement. Some children experience difficulty with the transition from their friends in public school to the new routine of a private Catholic school. Below are suggestions for you and your child to make this transition into a new school this year.

  • Attitude is everything: Remember, your behavior is reflected in your child’s attitude. If you are positive about the change to a new school, your child will pick up on that and the transition will be much smoother.
  • Answer questions: Anxiety walks hand-in-hand with lack of understanding. The questions your child asks may not seem important to you, but they are vital to him or her. Reassure your child, and explain the process and admit you may not have all the answers to the questions asked, but you will find out.
  • Old friends are new friends: If you worship at the parish in the diocese where your child will attend school, chances are some of the children you see at Mass will be classmates. If a children’s Mass is available, choose to attend Mass at that time to increase the chances of finding church friends who attend the same school.
  • Tour the school: Walk through the school with your child before classes begin to introduce teachers and routine. Visit each classroom and verify where to find the lunchroom, gymnasium, bathrooms, art room, music room, etc. Knowing the layout of the school will relieve some of the anxiety associated with the unknown.
  • Policies and procedures: Some of the rules in your child’s past school may not be the same as those in the new school. Make sure your child understands what is to be expected. These rules will surely be explained during school, but a preview will increase understanding.
  • Volunteer: Some children, especially those in elementary, have a difficult time with change. By volunteering at your child’s school, the realization that you are on campus will serve as a safety net for smaller changes throughout the day. Even if you are not directly interacting with your child, just the thought that the two of you are in the same building may be enough to counter any unforeseen small difficulties.

With a deeper understanding of the school, teachers, and curriculum beforehand, your child will appreciate your choice to educate him or her in the best private schools in Orlando within the Orlando Catholic Diocese. Give us a call at 407-246-4900 to schedule a meeting with a school representative.


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