Rewarding Good Grades

It’s a struggle many parents face: You want to reward your child for good grades and motivate her to continue working hard. However, you don’t want that reward to be some sort of financial prize or cross the lines into bad parenting. Your child is working hard at Orange County Catholic schools, excelling in her classes, and here are the proper incentives to pat her on the back with!

Take a Trip
Your child probably has a favorite place she likes to visit. Take her on an adventure when she brings home that glowing report card. You can visit a museum, amusement park, or her favorite restaurant!

Pizza and Ice Cream
Pizza and ice cream make everything better. When your child gets those good scores, take her out for dinner and dessert. Her favorite is likely pizza and ice cream — who doesn’t love a sweet treat? Don’t forget quarters to let her play some arcade games to really make it exciting!

Plan a Sleepover
For her successful efforts, allow her a sleepover with her friends! A sleepover doesn’t cost much but is priceless for children. A special activity like sleepovers can make all the difference. To take it even further, allow one friend for each A she received!

Cook a Favorite Meal
Does your child love spaghetti? Sloppy Joe’s? Serve up her favorite meal, even if it’s junk food. Allowing a treat everyone once in a while will make her happy!

Toy Shopping
Your child may enjoy a trip to the toy store to pick out a new toy. If you have an older child, take her to the video game store! Either way, allow some new playtime that will show her how proud you are.

Don’t forget to post that amazing report card on the refrigerator! For more than 50 years, Orange County Catholic schools have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.


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