How to Be Patient With God’s Timing


It can be difficult to be patient. It can be even more difficult to teach a child to be. When your child prays to God, she has to wait for His timing. She may feel like her prayers are falling on deaf ears. Galatians 5 states patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Orange County Catholic schools encourages you and your child to practice patience with God’s timing.

Change Perspectives
One of the first steps in understanding things you can’t control is changing perspectives. Getting through certain circumstances depends on how you’re looking at it. God’s timing can be difficult, but don’t let it be an obstacle. Have your child switch her mindset by practicing these thoughts:

  • God will bless me as long as I have faith.

  • God’s timing is always perfect.

  • God is working hard and hasn’t forgotten me.

  • I am worthy in God’s eyes. 

Simple shifts from negative to positive outlooks can make all the difference, allowing your child to understand and appreciate God!


Accept Your Time
It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s just not your child’s time yet. She is not ready for His plan. When she is, God will bless her with something special. But teach her she needs to work for it, too. If she wants to be recognized as a student of the year, God expects her to work to the best of her ability. If she is seeking a friend, God wants her to be emotionally and spiritually ready first. God knows what we need and when we need it. Understand that God knows what’s best. Your child needs to understand she is just not prepared for what He has for her, so she needs to embrace the waiting season. 

Purpose in Waiting
Believe it or not, there is a purpose in the waiting period. The purpose is preparing your child for what’s to come. While she is preparing herself to be a Godly student and friend, God is working on the other side getting everything ready. He is behind the scenes moving the people and pieces together at His own pace. There is a reason for everything, and only God knows why. Remember: Patience is a God-given restraint. Adam and Eve did partake in the forbidden provisions; they did not practice restraint and disobeyed what God commanded. When we wait on His will, we overcome the feeling of temptation. There lies obedience towards God.


For more than 50 years, the Orange County Catholic schools have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.


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