School Spotlight: All Souls Catholic School

all-soulsAll Souls Catholic School is a pre-K through eighth grade adventure that your child will love. With a low student to teacher ratio, certified teachers, activities and clubs, and a focus on religion all in a caring atmosphere, the graduates of All Souls Catholic School are well-rounded and fully prepared for high school and beyond. The Diocese of Orlando would like to share information pertaining to All Souls Catholic School as one of its Catholic schools in Orlando.

  • The United States Department of Education recognized All Souls Catholic School as one of its National Blue Ribbon Schools. This prestigious award is given to schools with academic excellence whose students achieve high levels of challenging content.
  • From voluntary pre-K through middle school, your child will be surrounded by dedicated teachers and administrators who strive to present information in a variety of ways to help your child understand. Many of the activities and lessons have a technology component or focus on hands-on activities. Studies have proven that using multiple senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) strengthens the ability to retain complex information. Another teaching strategy used is showing students how the lessons they are learning apply to real life situations. By showing concrete examples, students more readily grasp new ideas.
  • As with all the Catholic schools in Orlando, All Souls recognizes and respects multicultural and socioeconomic diversity. In order to make Catholic education possible for all children, the Diocese of Orlando has an open door policy and tuition assistance programs in the form of scholarships and financial aid programs.
  • Students are instructed in more than academics at All Souls Catholic School. The emphasis on education also involves physical education and sports to strengthen the body, arts and music as a creativity outlet, and religion for the soul. Students build a deeper relationship with God as they learn to better understand their own strengths.
  • Today’s job market is computer driven. To this end, All Souls has SMART Board Technology in its classrooms, computer labs available for all grades, laptops, tablets, and desktop computers for student use, online curriculum for the upper grades that includes earning high school credit in Math and Foreign Language, and strives to remain current on the latest technology trends.
  • Students with a Catholic education learn respect for themselves, others, and God. They also have a sense of self-discipline and strong moral values. They learn to expect more of themselves and reach their goals more readily than their public school peers. Upon graduation, former Catholic school students are productive citizens who give more freely of their time and resources and graduate from college more frequently.

Give your child a Catholic education at one of the best Catholic schools in Orlando, All Souls Catholic School in the Diocese of Orlando. To learn even more about our school, call 407-322-7090, visit our website, and read the blogs on the Diocese of Orlando’s website.


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