Encouraging the Older Student to Read More

readingSome children are born readers while others struggle as they flip through a magazine. As children age, the  amount of time they spend reading for enjoyment diminishes greatly. To encourage your pre-teen or teenager to read more frequently, the Orlando schools in the Diocese of Orlando have the following tips.

  • Practice: Consider reading an academic sport. In order to be a successful reader, your child needs practice. Thirty minutes a day of reading is beneficial; anything over is just plain fantastic.
  • Read as a family: After the dishes are cleared away, spend 15-30 minutes relaxing with a book together. Younger children can have a story read to them while older children can read whatever they choose.
  • Read aloud: If your child is a struggling reader, have him or her read aloud to you and help with comprehension and pronunciation. Children who read aloud frequently are better speakers because they know how to use and pronounce words.
  • Reading is more than books: Magazines, comic books, the newspaper, and any other printed media are all valid sources of reading material.
  • Have a book talk: Read the same book your child is reading and discuss it with him or her. The insights you learn from a younger perspective are unique, quirky, and completely enjoyable.
  • Start reading a book to your child: Read a chapter or two until your child is hooked, then put the book down. You might find the book has disappeared and your child cannot be located for a few hours because he or she is totally enchanted with the story.
  • Load the car with books: A trip across town or across the country can be shortened with the addition of a great book. Leave the video games at home and have your child take a journey to another planet while you are driving to the supermarket.
  • Visit the library: Every library has a young adult section just waiting to be loved. From pirates and princesses to simply facing middle school, your child will find mesmerizing material worth checking out. Many libraries are stocking graphic novels featuring classic tales and new fiction in the form of bound comic books.

With time and guidance, many children can become adept readers. The Orlando schools in the Diocese of Orlando recognize the importance of reading. Children who read more frequently are better able to succeed in all subjects from algebra to zoology. Call the Diocese today at 407-246-4903, and read our blogs to learn how our teachers address reading fundamentals and education in general.


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