School Spotlight: St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School

st-mary-mag-160While many schools receive accolades, only a select few are recognized as a “No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon School,” the highest award presented to schools by the United States Department of Education. St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School in the Diocese of Orlando is one of the elite institutions that can claim to be one of those few, and when parents say it is one of the best private schools in Orlando, they can back their claim with proof. Further proof is evident in their other accolades by the US Department of Education: the School of Excellence certificate and the Certificate of Merit have also been awarded through the years.St. Mary Magdalen offers more than the traditional reading, writing, and arithmetic for its elementary and middle school students. Students are engaged in an abundance of activities, such as fine arts (music, drama, art, and art history), technology, broadcasting, a foreign language program in Spanish, sports (non-competitive physical education as well as competitive team sports), and a gifted program. All these courses and programs are taught with an emphasis on gospel values and faith as students learn to work with the community spirit to serve the population of the world.Located on our campus is our Early Learning Center, catering to infants and all children through age four. Our curriculum is more than daycare; we educate our pre-schoolers and prepare them for the academic rigors of kindergarten and beyond.Every student learns differently, and St. Mary Magdalen understands the need for supplemental programs such as C.A.P.S., R.I.S.E., and Title 1. During homeroom, teachers meet with students and emphasize Building Esteem in Students Today (BEST) principles to help students recognize their worth. Weekly developmental guidance teaches problem solving, empathy, and anger management, all of which can be a struggle for many students.Community is strong within our school and our parish. Students “buddy up” with others; 8th graders build relationships with kindergartners and 7th graders assist PreK-4 students. This camaraderie gives the younger students a mentor, and the older students learn patience, caring, and modeling good behavior. Outside the school, students enjoy the Love Circle, an intergenerational program that gives students the opportunity to meet with elderly members of the Diocese of Orlando’s parish. These joyous visits leave everyone smiling. Living Gospel Values is another outreach program that builds awareness of the local and global needs in society and responds to those needs when possible. All these programs work toward St. Mary Magdalen’s mission of spreading the gospel message of love.St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School in the Diocese of Orlando offers a fantastic environment of Christ-centered education that prepares students for life by developing the academic, spiritual, social, and physical aspects of education. Contact our school today at 407-339-7301 to learn how your child can become part of one of the best private schools in Orlando.


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