St. James Students Reflect on Paschal Mystery

Holy Week is a special time in the faith lives of Catholics worldwide. Beginning on Palm Sunday, the faithful journey with Jesus for seven days through his death and ultimate Resurrection on Easter Sunday. 

As part of their faith journey, fifth grade students at St. James Cathedral School were assigned to imagine themselves among the apostles as they shared in Jesus’ last days on earth as a man and write an Easter poem about the “experience.” 

Their poems were to include the following elements:

  • Write one line about sin and death in the world

  • Write two lines about what happened to Jesus on Good Friday

  • Imagine you were with the Apostles when they heard Jesus had risen. Write two lines about how you would feel.

  • Imagine you were with the Apostles when Jesus appeared. Write one line about how you would feel.

  • Imagine what Jesus might say to you when He appeared. Write one line.

  • Write one line thanking and praising Jesus for His great love and great sacrifice.

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Teacher Mark Danner, ’98, said he was amazed by the introspect the students displayed. 

“When students submitted their work, I was most surprised at the level of thought they put into their poems.  I was very impressed with their effort and reflection,” he said. 

“This assignment helped my students to reflect on how the Apostles might have felt at the time.  It allowed students to put themselves into the moments of the Paschal Mystery and reflect upon each moment.”

We hope you enjoy the beautiful work of our St. James Cathedral School students.

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ACA Students Share Their Faith Through Art


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