Teaching your Children about Modesty

Florida is humid in the summer, and it seems as if your daughter’s teenage friends are taking full advantage of the hot, sticky weather by opting for short shorts and revealing tank tops. How can you guide your malleable teenager into wearing more modest clothing? The Diocese of Orlando’s private schools in Orlando have sought to teach modesty within students with the use of school uniforms. At home, circumstances tend to be different and it’s important to teach your child that their clothing choices reflect more than just their sense of style.God created every one of us to be unique. Although, modern fashion asks every one of us to look the same. Your children are going to have a difficult time blending these two ideas into making appropriate clothing choices that appeal to both them and you. But what exactly is modesty? It is more than a clothing choice; modesty is a character trait that exemplifies beauty without distractions. When teens have a positive body image and understand the importance of faith, their clothing will reflect their beliefs.Are you stuck in the argument of “all the other girls wear these shorts,” or the “why does it matter if you see my underwear?” You can counter these comments with a brief lesson on modesty. Emphasize to your child that God made everyone beautiful, so immodest clothing is unnecessary while also explaining that these styles can be more than distracting, but also demoralizing for the person who dresses immodestly. Members of the opposite sex may notice when they dress in skin-tight clothing, but your child will be more likely to earn respect if they dress modestly. Don’t impress the wrong people; dress to reflect the inner beauty of Christ.Sometimes struggle within fashion sense is not peer pressure, but simply the constant onslaught of television and Internet advertisements that make it appear to your children that everyone is wearing tiny shorts or tank tops. Rather than simply explaining fashion choices with your child, go shopping with your teenager. Window shop at several stores and ask your child about the mannequins on display. Find out the perceptions your teen has in regard to clothing, and share your thoughts as well. When you find an outfit you both agree upon, continue to find similar styles that will help your child grow with God in a positive light.Teach your child to respect their body, and explain that modesty proves respect for the body God provided. For more parenting tips check out the Diocese of Orlando’s blog page, and contact the Diocese at 407-246-4903 to learn about our philosophy on school uniforms for our private schools in Orlando.


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