The Importance of Family Vacations

Summer is just around the corner, and that means one thing: it’s the perfect time for a family vacation! Whether you and your children take a day trip to the springs or a spend a week in the mountains, your family will greatly benefit from spending intentional, quality time together away from your daily lives. Leave Stress and Routine BehindWhile routine creates structure, schedule, and efficiency, it can also lead to monotony. It’s good to break away from your daily to-do list! If you don’t intentionally give yourself time to recharge, it can be easy to feel tired and empty at work or when you take care of your family. By taking a vacation, you’re able to return to your routine feeling refreshed and energized. EducationalInteracting with a different culture or a different lifestyle can be very informative to your child and how she views the world. For instance, if you go to the beach, you can marvel together at the ocean’s depth and spend time collecting trash from the shore. If you go to the mountains, you can take him on a hike to admire how different the foliage is, and talk about how the mountains are important to so many animals. Or, you could take a family vacation to the city, where you and your child could go to museums, historical landmarks, and famous theater productions.Bonding TimeSpending intentional time with your child can enhance his growth and development. A vacation is the perfect place to do this! As you enjoy days free of distractions from work, you will have plenty of time to enjoy activities together. Sit down with your child to ask what he would enjoy doing, whether it’s attending a new play, boating around the lake, or just grabbing breakfast.Taking a vacation is something the whole family can get excited about. You’ll be your children — and spouse’s — hero when you tell them that they get to go on an adventure over their summer vacation! The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800. 


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