Tips to Pray Daily

Between working, taking care of the children and family, cooking, cleaning, exercising, and getting involved in your church and community, it can be hard to figure out where your quiet time with God should go. Sometimes our days get away from us - we’ve all been there. So what should you do? Below, we’ve compiled a list of helpful tips to incorporate prayer into your busy, daily life.Do It First Thing in the MorningSet your alarm for 15 minutes earlier than normal and designate those 15 minutes for prayer time. When you put off prayer for later in the day, it is much easier to let other things interrupt, so make it the first thing you do when you roll out of bed. Let God Handle Your ScheduleYou can incorporate this into your prayer time each day, offering up your schedule to God. Don’t schedule your day so that you don’t have 15-30 minutes to dedicate to God. God will take care of you, so trust Him and give your time over to Him. Ensure You Have the Space and MaterialsA prepared, designated space for prayer time is important. This can be anything from a comfy chair to a desk to a distraction-free corner of your bedroom. Keep your journal, devotional, or Bible close by, as well as any pens or highlighters you will need. It Doesn’t Have to Be the Same Thing“Prayer time” doesn’t necessarily equate to sitting silently in a chair with your eyes closed and hands folded. Everyone communicates with God in different ways, so take time to discover what’s best for you - and remember that no way is superior to another. Maybe it’s through art, serving, nature, or being active; incorporate whichever way works for you into your prayer time.Reference the Liturgical and Seasonal Times Add some variety and deepen your engagement with your prayer and the church by customizing your prayer time to incorporate aspects of the season’s liturgy. For example, during Lent, you may want to add an extra devotion, such as the Stations of the Cross. The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800. 


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