Spring Cleaning With Children

It’s that time of year. You (and your house) feel as though you’re coming out of a long hibernation, which can only mean one thing: it’s time for spring cleaning. But have no fear - you won’t be alone! Many hands make light work, and this is the year to take advantage of your built-in helpers. Take a look at these tips for encouraging your children to jump into spring cleaning, enjoy each other’s company, and have some fun.Emphasize TeamworkInstead of sending your child off to do chores alone – a daunting and lonely task for a 5 year-old – assign chores to pairs of children. If you have an only child, work together! Not only will this add in quality time, but you or the older child of the pair can monitor efforts and ensure a thorough cleaning. Working as a team helps your children learn responsibility, cleaning skills, and models the attitude and job standard you’re trying to teach them. The Beauty of SnacksLet’s be honest - all of us are easily motivated by the promise of good food, and children are no different (though possibly more motivated). Adding special snacks to the day makes it enjoyable, teaches children to pace themselves so they don’t eat everything at once, and helps them learn how and when to reward themselves.Make Time Fly with MusicPlay upbeat music to keep everyone engaged and motivated. Take turns letting your children pick the music, and don’t forget to incorporate dance party breaks or silly games, such as freeze dance, to break up the monotony of cleaning.Reward Hard WorkGive your hard workers something to look forward to by offering a post-cleaning reward, such as lunch out, a family movie night, or a special dessert. This works especially well if you have younger children who are not accustomed to helping around the house.The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about Orlando private schools, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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