Tips from Teachers to Set Up Students for Success

While children spend about half of their waking hours at school during the academic year, research shows that parental involvement actually accounts for more of a child’s academic success than the qualities of the school they attend. This means it’s vital to interact with your child and be invested in her class projects, school events, and what she learned that day. For tips on how to better do this, we asked teachers themselves for advice.Read TogetherWhether you’re reading to him, with him, or listening to him read to you, encouraging good reading habits is a vital to prepare your student for academic success. Encourage him to read books he enjoys, and then listen to him when he gets excited about the story! Transform reading time into a fun activity by setting out yummy snacks, a soft blanket, and a cup of hot chocolate. Eat Dinner TogetherIn the digital age, the art of family meals has somewhat been lost. However, it’s important for families to have a designated time to sit together and converse. This allows you to catch up on your child’s life, the good and the bad, and gain better insight into her world. This teaches children the importance of listening and constant communication. Model a Love for LearningYour child emulates everything you do, so it's important that you model a love for learning! If you want her to read more, demonstrate your own love for reading by joining her at reading time and getting excited about your own book. If you want her to practice writing, write letters together. If you hope to encourage her love of math or science, check out the Orlando Science Center or do fun experiments at home. Limit Screen TimeThough possibly the most difficult piece of advice in this digital age, it’s important that your child take time away from his computer, the television, or his phone to spend time in the real world. Reading, taking walks, or simply playing outside with friends can cultivate his imagination and inspire creativity. Get InvolvedPart of your child’s ability to build a community at school and enjoy class is your ability to be involved. Volunteer for school activities, help her fundraise for events, and always attend parent-teacher conferences. It’s important that your child sees your own investment in her education.By following these steps, you’re sure to see an improvement in your child’s interest in learning and their involvement at school!The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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