How to Volunteer at Your Child’s Catholic School

thailand-1822451_1280Your child’s success and the success of their school wouldn’t be possible without your involvement. Many school activities would not be possible without the help of parent volunteers, and your participation in your child’s school is a wonderful way to become more involved in your child’s life and meet other parents in our Catholic community. In order to become a volunteer, you will have to be fingerprinted and cleared for volunteering at school activities. This fingerprinting will include a background screening and you will need to register and go into an assigned location to be physically fingerprinted. After you have been fingerprinted, you will also need to go through Safe Environment training. You will need to watch a training video and pass a short quiz in order to be cleared and ready to volunteer.  Visit this website for the Diocese of Orlando’s Safe Environment requirements.At the beginning of each new school year, every family will receive a volunteer packet with instructions on how you can get involved in your child’s school. Every family should plan to contribute a minimum of 20 volunteer hours to their child’s school each year. These hours can be logged from home by going to your school’s online computer/data system. We greatly value volunteering and giving back to the community as part of the Catholic tradition of truly glorifying Christ in our everyday lives. Volunteering is something we strongly encourage within all of our students and we ask that every parent lead by example by becoming a part of our volunteer family. Not only will volunteering at your child’s school help build their morality and their sense of giving, it will also help grow your relationship and your bond. When your child sees your passion for helping people and doing something for a greater cause, it will often help them feel closer to you and their faith.The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about Catholic high schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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