5 Things Catholics Should Do Everyday

pray-2558490_1280Life sometimes feels too full to fit everything in. And when it comes to intentionally living out your faith every day, that can get put on the back burner while you focus on more immediate concerns, such as paying bills or taking care of family. However, putting your faith into practice every day of your life is not only an important part of being Catholic but also an important aspect of role modeling for your child.It certainly isn’t easy to add to an already full routine, but incorporating these five things into your daily schedule, one by one, will not only help you grow spiritually but will also help bring you and your family closer to God. PrayerMake a point of sitting down every morning and reading a passage or two from your Bible, or check out the reading for daily Mass. Recite a Hail Mary, or, if you have the time, pray the rosary. Starting with an intentional prayer will help you incorporate God into your life throughout your day!Create Human ConnectionsShare a smile with a stranger, hand out a free hug, connect with an old colleague on Facebook – open your heart to the people around you and embrace the most important lesson Jesus taught us about behavior: loving one another.Gab About GodKeep God in your thoughts throughout your day, not just at prayer time, by bringing Him into your conversations. Don’t worry about coming off as “preachy” – we all talk about the things we love, from music to movies to people. You’re allowed (and should!) talk about God in the same way. When others see how excited you are to talk about Him, they might be curious and want to know this God you love so much. Offer UpAs Catholics, it’s important that we remind ourselves on a daily basis not to become attached to the material world. We do this during the Lenten season through daily and weekly sacrifice, but we don’t have to wait until Lent to cultivate our holiness. Make it a daily practice  to give up something small, whether it’s your dessert for the evening, or turning off your phone for an hour. Sacrifices can also come through serving; whether you’re sacrificing some of your income for tithing, or sacrificing some of your time to volunteer, sacrifice and serving others are an important part of staying connected to God and living in Jesus’ footsteps. ReflectionTake a moment at the end of each day to reflect back on your actions and really examine your conscience. Do you need to forgive someone, or do you need to seek forgiveness from someone? Thank God for the ways in which He provided throughout the day and consider personal improvements in your own actions. Doing this can help you grow in mercy, love, and faith. Adding to your daily routine is never easy, but doing these five things everyday can help grow your faith life, and make you a better Catholic example for your student. Start simply, incorporating these one at a time until they simply become second nature. Then watch as your spiritual life soars. The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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