How to Spread Faith in Your Home and Workplace

religious-2144550_1280These days, sharing God’s greatness with others can seem like an intimidating task. Bringing God up in a secular workplace or conversation without sounding as if you’re trying to sell something may be difficult, and you might be afraid of rejection by friends or coworkers. However, approached the right way, you can bring God into your everyday conversations casually, demonstrating how His love works positively in your own life without ever feeling uncomfortable or scaring away those around you from having a discussion about faith.Decorate with Signs of Your FaithHang a cross on your door or desk; make your screensaver a picture of your favorite saint; wear a rosary bracelet – these are all things that are easy to spot and may spark a conversation with your coworkers, giving you the opportunity to easily share your faith with them. Replace the symbol regularly, so that the frequent changes will be noticed and more likely to generate questions.Share Lessons from ChurchWhen people greet you on Monday and ask you how your weekend was, share your favorite moment or take away from Sunday’s Mass. Whether it was a piece of the priest’s homily, or an “a-ha” moment, even simply stating without embarrassment that you went to church is a great step in the right direction.  This will prevent you from coming off as “preachy.” It demonstrates to those around you that your faith is more than an obligation, but a growing relationship between you and God. Pray in PublicWhenever it’s appropriate to do so – at meal times, or maybe in the living room when you get home from work – take a moment and prayerfully reflect. Don’t get too complicated with it, praying the rosary in front of your family or coworkers every day might come off as performing your faith for attention, rather than living it. Keep it simple and joyful. When people see you praying consistently each day, they’ll naturally be a bit curious. Offer to pray for others when they’re going through hard times, and make a specific note to do so and check in with them later. The power of prayer is one of, if not the most, moving tools you have.Start with these three tips and watch how much easier it becomes to open up about the joy your faith brings you. Obviously, these aren’t the only ways you can witness to your faith in a way that your coworkers or family members will respond to. Pray for guidance and the grace for the Holy Spirit to speak through you, and you’ll find even more ways to open up about your faith with your friends, family, and coworkers.The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about Catholic schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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