Benefits of Your Child Learning Sign

American Sign Language (ASL) is the primary means of communication among the deaf community. However, ASL education among hearing children has become widely popular, as it is now considered a world language such as Spanish. The best schools in Orlando highlight the benefits of your child learning sign language.

Language Development
When we were babies and couldn’t speak, we used our hands to motion and form words. Teach your child basic signs to further develop early language skills. 

Motor Skills
To make signs for letters, numbers, and words, your child uses his fine motor skills. Learning and practicing sign language will further develop these skills. 

Memory Retention
When your child practices sign, she is learning a variety of language styles, including visual, physical, and verbal. In doing so, she is boosting her memory and fostering her recollection of words.

Focused Learning
If your child has difficulty concentrating, learning a new language will help her focus. She will need to focus on forming signs and associating them with words. ASL learning also promotes her listening, visual, and communication skills.

Bonding Activity
Our schools always encourage activities that can help you and your child bond. Show your child you support her by learning sign with her. Practice when you go to the store or a restaurant. Perhaps you will come across a person without hearing who needs help. Then, you’ll be teaching your child compassion and empathy by assisting that person!

When your child feels valuable and connected to her surroundings, her self-esteem will grow. Nurture her desire to explore her environment by allowing her to sign with friends and family.

Now that you have an understanding of why your child should learn sign language, here are the best ways for your child to learn ASL:

  • Smartphone App: If your child loves technology, download the ASL Kids App. For children ages one through 12, the app teaches all the common ASL signs in the dictionary. Hand signs include an image and sample button so your child can see and hear the sign as well. The free app includes quizzes and is free from ads or external links.

  • Classes: If your child learns better with a teacher, start researching some classes! You can look online or ask colleges and deaf schools near you. Learning online allows your child to go at her own pace and learn on her (and your) schedule. Search YouTube for free video lessons.

  • Dictionary: Purchase a sign language dictionary on Amazon or in your smartphone apps. They feature easy-to-use signs that will interest your child. 

For more than 50 years, the best schools in Orlando have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.


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