One-on-One Time With Your Child

The school year tends to fill up very quickly — between church activities, extracurriculars, and daily to-do lists, it can be difficult to set aside time to invest in one-on-one time. However, summer vacation is the perfect opportunity to do this! No matter how big or small your family is, these suggestions will make quality time with every child fun and easy.Summer Camp HackIf your children are spending time at different summer camps, make sure to take advantage of their different schedules! This is a great opportunity to spend time with your child who’s at home. Whether it’s a special day together or just going out to breakfast, he or she will love having all of your attention. For ideas on what to do together, take a look at our previous blog post!Designate a Night Just for Them Each MonthDesignate a night each month that is all about you and your child spending time together. Coordinating the night with their birthdate is an easy way to do this! For example, if your child was born on the 16th, the 16th of every month is their night. Allow your child to stay up 20-30 minutes later to spend time with you, whether that’s a board game, reading a book together, or just going on a walk.Keep It SimpleDon’t over complicate your bonding time. While it’s fun to plan big, over-the-top surprises, it’s not necessary to do that all the time; in fact, it’s best to keep things simple and easy. Show your child that you can have fun together no matter what you do!Let Your Kid PickMake your one-on-one time that much more special by letting him set the agenda. It will signify that you want to pay attention to him and his interests, and it will make him feel valued and validated. Suggest to your child that you avoid video games or television to keep this a technology-free time.Be PresentTry to limit your screen time when you’re with your child, and make a conscious effort to pay attention to listen to them. Your worries and concerns about work and life outside of your child can wait! If you have an older child who has a cell phone, set a rule that neither one of you will look at your phones while you spend time together.With these steps, you can make this summer the perfect time to truly show each of your children how much they matter to you! Our blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about Orlando private schools, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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