Screen-Free Family Night

These days it seems like we just can’t escape our screens — from using computers for school and work, to streaming TV, to hours of scrolling endlessly on our phones, technology feels like it’s everywhere. While this has made our ability to be informed and educated that much easier, it can also cut us off from what we need most: our relationships. We’ve gathered some helpful tips, tricks, and ideas for screen-free family bonding!Shut Down the Temptation by Shutting off WiFiDisconnect your WiFi at the router to eliminate the temptation to mindlessly browse the internet or watch TV. This will help you create a barrier between you and your web browser, preventing you and your family from falling into the trap of social media news feeds.Hide Your TechOkay, it might be a little unrealistic to hide your TV, but your phone, computer, tablet, and other portable screens can easily be moved to a closed room or box so they’re out of sight and out of mind. Create a RoutineIncorporate screen-free time into your daily evening routine. Perhaps you start small, with a screen-free dinner time, where everyone sits around the table together and the television is turned off and phones are put away. You could also incorporate some family time every night after dinner, whether it’s 10 minutes or 30 minutes, to take a screen-free walk together. Keep Yourself OccupiedRather than occupy our time with something productive, or simply sitting in silence with our thoughts, we pull out our phones to distract ourselves. Instead, here are some screen-free activities you and your family can do together:

  • Read a book together
  • Play a board game
  • Play charades
  • Take a walk or bike ride
  • Visit with family or friends
  • Have a bonfire (or a grill out)
  • Bake a fun dessert together
  • Do a craft

Going screen-free might be difficult at first, especially for your younger children who may never have known a life without screens, but the results of detaching yourself and your family from your screens is a worthy reward of your efforts!Our blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800. 


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